Caring For The Sake of a Cure
Colon Cancer Research and Prevention Fund (CCRPF/ TWFC) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to providing information and assistance to the general public concerning cancer and other degenerative diseases.
The Organization collects, distributes and educates the public about therapies which have proven healing qualities, with an emphasis on the treatment and prevention of cancer.
CCRPF/TWFC also provides support and medical supplies and equipment to other organizations, hospitals and clinics.
General assistance is also provided to cancer patients and their families through local support groups.
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Colon Cancer Research and Prevention Fund / Togerther We Fight Cancer direct’s it’s efforts and resources towards supporting research programs, clinics, and hospitals that teach the public and place a high degree of emphasis on therapies for the treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Esperanza de Vida (Hope of Life) – Guatemala – Recieves shipments of medical supplies, equipment and humanitarian aid to be used by those in need in hospitals and clinics that treat cancer and other degenerative diseases. The hospitals and clinics provide much needed medical care to many of the needy and disadvantaged people of their areas; charging only the minimum amount, or in most cases nothing, for fees needed to provide the medical care. The regions they serve are some of the over twenty targeted areas by the World Health Organization to combat various degenerative diseases. Some diseases are spreading at epidemic rates.

Community Food Program
The 3000 Club, located in Phoenix, AZ distributes fresh fruits and vegetables to needy people in Arizona. Colon Cancer Reaserch and Prevention Fund, networks with the 3000 Club, to promote the prevention of colon cancer and chronic disease through people eating healthy diet that is predominately fruits and vegetables. Thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables are donated to domestic individuals in the Phoenix area. Scientific rerearch concludes that the best diet for preventing colon cancer is low in fat and high in vegetables and fruits.
Oasis of Hope Hospital
Oasis of Hope Hospital, with locations in Tijuana, Mexico offers advanced, integrated cancer treatment programs. Patients receive the highest quality care that addresses not only their physical needs, but also helps them fight their disease with a “Total Care” approach which includes nutritional, emotional and spiritual counseling and educational programs for patients and family members.CCRPF/TWFC provides grants to research and patient care, helping Oasis of Hope patients achieve cancer survival rates that are higher than the national average. CCRPF/TWFC supports Oasis of Hope in treating cancer through traditional therapies, clinically proven alternative treatments, and holistic methods designed to promote wellness in all areas of the patients life.

St. Luke’s Hospital at Esperanza De Vida (Hope of Life) is the main children’s Hospital at Hope of Life. The hospital along with 5 other hospitals treat approximatly 25,000 sick children each year. Hope of Life rescues about 1000 children each year and saves them from death. They bring sick children down from the mountain villages to the hospital that restores their health, the children that they rescue are on the brink of death when they go and get them.
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