Caring for the Sake of a Cure
Colon Cancer Research and Prevention Fund (CCRPF/ TWFC) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to providing information and assistance to the general public concerning cancer and other degenerative diseases.
The Organization collects, distributes and educates the public about therapies which have proven healing qualities, with an emphasis on the treatment and prevention of cancer.
CCRPF/TWFC also provides support and medical supplies and equipment to other organizations, hospitals and clinics.
General assistance is also provided to cancer patients and their families through local support groups.
Use Alternative Cancer and Health Links
The Gerson Institute – The primary site for information and help on the Gerson Therapy®. The Gerson Institute assists patients, trains health care providers and patient caregivers, and supervises authorized Gerson Therapy clinics worldwide. Valuable information on the Gerson Therapy, Dr. Gerson, resources, literature, events.
The Gerson Miracle : – View this prizewinning documentary online, for free. Winner of “Best Picture” at the 2004 Beverly Hills Film Festival, this film gives an inspiring and moving introduction to the Gerson Therapy. DSL or higher speed link required.
The Gerson Support Group, UK – A support group in the United Kingdom for patients on the Gerson Therapy and patients considering the Therapy. Literature and information available.
The College of Naturopathic Medicine – in the UK. Hermann Keppler, Principal, sponsors many Gerson Therapy events in the UK and Ireland.
DoctorYourself.com – The Website of Dr. Andrew Saul, Ph.D. Much good information on this website, including the doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson , and a doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson_therapy of papers in the mainstream medical literature confirming the efficacy and safety of the Gerson Therapy.
The International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine , the discipline founded by Nobel Laureate Linus
Pauling, Ph.D. The ISOM inducted Dr. Max Gerson into its Hall of Fame on May 14, 2005, the first international Medical Society to ever do so.
Death by Modern Medicine – Did you think that heart disease, cancer or stroke was the number one killer of Americans? Think again. These diseasekillers are deadly enough, but they are outstripped by a large margin by our number one killer: our medical system itself! Carolyn Dean, MD, ND has written a deeply researched and thoroughly documented book detailing the numbers, as reported by the mainstream medical literature. Highly recommended!
drugawareness.org – useful and shocking information on drugs and the pharmaceutical industry
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski – Dr. Burzynski has been attacked for years by the pharmaceutical and medical establishments.
Death by Medicine – Deeply researched and disturbing survey article, with statistics lifted from mainstream medical journals, showing that the Number ONE killer in the United States by far is not what we thought, Heart Disease, but is the medical profession itself. Must reading!
Royal Raymond Rife – an amazing but all-to-common story about an absolutely brilliant cancer researcher hounded to death by the AMA.
Modern Manna Health Crusade – Danny Vierra’s Annual Christian Health Crusade. Hear Charlotte Gerson, Dr. Lorraine Day and many other outstanding alternative health authorities speak.
The National Cancer Institute – keeping people informed on the relation between smoking and cancer.
Quit Smoking Community – lots of info on smoking and it’s side effects.
International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends (IACVF) – Helping get information about successful cancer therapies to those in need.
Cancer Control Society, providing resources and information about alternative therapies.
Annual convention supports Gerson among others.
Hallelujah Acres – longtime supporters of Charlotte Gerson, suppliers of barley products.
T. Colin Campbell, Author of The China Study – Dr. Campbell is arguably the top nutritionist in the United States, possibly the world. With 35 years as a professor of Nutrition at Cornell University, he has done impeccably careful research showing the dangers of animal protein and the benefits of a plant-based diet.
Howard Lyman, the “Mad Cowboy”– Howard Lyman was raised as a cattle rancher, had his own cattle ranch, and used all the most dangerous practices in our food industry. After a bout with spinal cancer, he became a vegan, and speaks of the dangers of eating beef and animal protein. It was an interview with Howard Lyman about Mad Cow Disease that got Oprah Winfrey in such trouble with the beef industry some years back. (She won!)
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD – Dr. Esselstyn is a renowned cardiac surgeon who recommends a plant-based diet to avoid and reverse heart disease (what a concept!). He is at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic, where his colleagues pointedly ignore him and his proven, effective and safe heart disease treatments.
A Single Light[?] is a grass roots community, health based, non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the access to information for those afflicted with cancer, along with their families, to lessen their suffering through education and service.
Asbestos is committed to providing the latest, up-to-date information to our visitors in the hopes of spreading awareness about the dangers of asbestos cancer. This website offers a one-stop resource on all asbestos issues ranging from occupational exposure to mesothelioma treatment options. As the leading asbestos and mesothelioma resource, Asbestos.com offers more than 3000 pages of the most comprehensive and cutting edge information on the web.
Mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer with no cure, results from asbestos exposure. Furthermore, this illness can take decades to finally develop. At MesotheliomaSymptoms.com, we want to show that early detection is crucial to beating this disease. However, once diagnosed, we want to make sure individuals living with mesothelioma are aware of all their treatment options and how they can maintain a great quality of life while living with this terminal illness.
Mesothelioma Treatment a site reaching out to the community to provide up-to-date support, information, and education about treatment for mesothelioma patients and family members.
Organic Food Links
Earthbound Farms – the largest organic producer in the United States.
Whole Foods Market– the largest organic food market in the United States.
California Coalition of Organic Farmers – Useful information about organic foods, farming, standards and issues.
Organic Consumers Association – Dedicated to the proposition that our food supply should be pure and unpolluted by chemicals, hormones and genetic engineering. Issues and political information.
Healthy Highways – a guidebook to healthy eating on the road. Very useful resource for organic food, vegetarian restaurants and environmentally friendly eating places coast-to-coast.
Pat Lee – Source for 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and other oxygen products.
Eagle Enterprise – Another source for 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and oxygen products.
Pure Health Systems – Instructions for the use and dilution of hydrogen peroxide, order forms.
Toxicity From Ordinary Cosmetics
NotTooPretty.org – information about the terribly toxic materials found in ordinary makeup – materials linked to birth defects and other serious illnesses.
Norwalk Juicers California – California representative of the Norwalk Company, builder of the best juicer in the world
Norwalk Juicer Company – builder of the best juicer in the world
Champion Juicers – another possibility for the Gerson Therapy.
Mercury Amalgam Fillings and Dental Toxicity
Dr. Hal Huggins – Dental toxicity site. Learn the truth about mercury fillings, root canals, and more.
Mercuryfilling.com – evidence that mercury fillings cause enormous death and disease in the United States.
Nofluoride.com – find out why fluoride is a deadly poison that should never be allowed in our water or toothpaste.
Toxicteeth.org – more information and campaign to eliminate mercury amalgam fillings.
Dentalhelp.org – information on dental caused diseases, mercury and fluoride. Resources and holistic dentists listed.
DAMS – Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome site, scientific information about the problems caused by mercury amalgam fillings.
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